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FOIA Public Liaison Complaints

Michael Kuzma Attorney at Law July 19, 2024

As a lawyer practicing in Buffalo, New York, I regularly talk to clients who face challenges when attempting to access public records through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). While FOIA is a powerful tool for transparency, the process can sometimes be fraught with delays, denials, or incomplete responses.

In these cases, filing a FOIA public liaison complaint becomes necessary. This article will guide you through the process of filing a complaint and help you understand your rights and the steps involved under the law. Here’s what you need to know.

Understanding FOIA and Your Rights

FOIA, or the Freedom of Information Act, is a federal statute that allows the public to request access to records from any federal agency. The act mandates that agencies disclose requested information unless it is protected under one of nine exemptions, which include national security, personal privacy, and law enforcement concerns. In New York, a similar law called the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) applies to state and local government records.

As a New Yorker, you have the right to request access to public records from federal, state, and local agencies. When you submit a FOIA request, the agency must respond within a specified timeframe, typically 20 business days.

However, if you face issues such as delays, denials, or incomplete responses, you can file a complaint with the FOIA public liaison to address these problems. In such a case, securing the help of a lawyer may be beneficial as you navigate the process.

The Role of the FOIA Public Liaison

Every federal agency designates a FOIA public liaison to assist requesters with their FOIA requests. The public liaison acts as a mediator, helping to resolve disputes and providing updates on the status of requests. They play a crucial role in ensuring the FOIA process is transparent and efficient.

As a lawyer, I often advise my clients to first contact the public liaison if they encounter issues with their FOIA requests.

When you contact the FOIA public liaison, clearly explain the nature of your complaint. This includes detailing any relevant information about your FOIA request, such as the date it was submitted, the specific records you are seeking, and the response you have received from the agency. Providing copies of all correspondence related to your request will support your complaint and facilitate a quicker resolution.

Steps to File a FOIA Public Liaison Complaint

If contacting the FOIA public liaison does not resolve your issue, the next step is to file a formal complaint. In my experience, the formal complaint process can be more effective if you meticulously document all interactions and responses from the agency.

This documentation serves as evidence of the challenges you have faced in accessing the requested information. If you contact me, I’d be happy to offer my assistance.

When filing a formal complaint, it is important to be concise yet thorough. Clearly outline the nature of your complaint, the steps you have already taken to resolve it, and the specific resolution you are seeking. This approach ensures that your complaint is understood and taken seriously by the reviewing authority.

Addressing Complaints Under New York's FOIL

In addition to federal FOIA, New York’s Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) provides a mechanism for accessing state and local government records. If you encounter issues with a FOIL request, you can file a complaint with the agency’s FOIL officer or the Committee on Open Government. The Committee on Open Government oversees the implementation of FOIL and can assist in resolving disputes.

As a lawyer, I recommend maintaining a professional and respectful tone in your complaint. This not only fosters a cooperative relationship but also demonstrates your commitment to resolving the issue amicably. When filing a complaint with the Committee on Open Government, provide a detailed account of your FOIL request, including any communications and responses received from the agency. This helps the committee understand the context and specifics of your complaint.

Escalating the Complaint: Legal Recourse

In some cases, informal resolution efforts may fail, and legal action might become necessary. New York law allows individuals to file an Article 78 proceeding, a special legal action used to challenge the determinations of administrative agencies, public bodies, or officers. An Article 78 proceeding can compel an agency to comply with a FOIL request or challenge an agency’s denial of access to records.

Filing an Article 78 proceeding involves drafting a petition outlining your complaint and the relief you seek. This petition is filed with New York State Supreme Court, which will review the case. It is crucial to include all relevant documentation and a clear narrative of the issues encountered. If you choose to hire me as your attorney, I would ensure that your petition is comprehensive and compelling, maximizing the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Best Practices for a Successful Complaint

Several best practices can enhance the success of your FOIA public liaison complaint. First, be as specific as possible. Clearly identify the records you are seeking, the issues you have faced, and the resolution you are requesting. Specificity helps the public liaison or oversight body understand your complaint and the necessary steps to resolve it.

Again, maintaining a professional and courteous tone is also crucial. While it can be frustrating to encounter delays or denials, approaching the issue calmly and respectfully facilitates a more productive dialogue. Remember, the goal is to work collaboratively with the agency to resolve the issue and obtain the information you are seeking.

Persistence is key. Regular follow-ups on the status of your complaint can help keep it on the agency's radar. If you do not receive a timely response or if the agency fails to address your complaint satisfactorily, escalate the matter to higher authorities such as the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) or the Committee on Open Government. Persistence demonstrates your commitment to resolving the issue and ensures that your complaint receives the attention it deserves.

Enlist Skilled Legal Counsel

Filing a FOIA public liaison complaint as a New Yorker is a vital step in ensuring government transparency and accountability. Understanding your rights under FOIA and FOIL, and knowing the appropriate steps to take when issues arise, can help you navigate the process more effectively.

Whether dealing with federal agencies or New York State entities, being well-informed and proactive in addressing your complaint can significantly increase your chances of a successful resolution.

As a lawyer, I emphasize the importance of documenting all interactions, providing detailed information in your complaint, maintaining a professional tone, and following up regularly. By doing so, we can help ensure that your rights are protected and that the government remains open and transparent in its operations. With the right approach and persistence, you can achieve the transparency and access to information that FOIA and FOIL are designed to provide.

When you’re ready to get started, contact Mike Kuzma, Attorney at Law. If you choose to work with me on any case, from a FOIA or FOIL issue, criminal, or traffic charges, I will ensure that you’re fully covered. I’m a highly responsive and easily accessible lawyer admitted to practice law in the State of New York.